Useful Functions | Camera settings copy

Configure multiple cameras with the same setting by storing the camera setting information to a smartphone and loading it to the cameras.

Saving the camera setting information

  1. 1Make a Bluetooth connection to the camera.
  2. 2Tap Home copy camera setting[Camera settings copy].
  3. 3Tap [Save setting].
    • When a message to confirm Wi-Fi connection with the camera, tap [Yes].
    • The setting information of the connected camera is saved to the smartphone.
  • Up to 10 cameras can be configured.
  • When saving the setting, the camera automatically makes a Wi-Fi connection.
    (iOS devices) When a message to confirm the change of destination is displayed, select [Join].
  • (iOS device) If Wi-Fi connection to the camera fails

Loading setting information to the camera

  1. 1Make a Bluetooth connection to the camera.
  2. 2Tap Home copy camera setting[Camera settings copy].
  3. 3Tap the setting to load from [Saved camera settings].

    The setting information corresponding to the connected camera is displayed.

  4. 4Tap [Send to camera].
  • The setting information can only be loaded to the same model of the camera.
  • When transferring setup information, the camera automatically makes a Wi-Fi connection.
    (iOS devices) When a message to confirm the change of destination is displayed, select [Join].
  • You can save or load the setting information of the same items as those in [Save/Restore Camera Setting] under the [Setup] menu of the camera.
  • (iOS device) If Wi-Fi connection to the camera fails

Editing the camera setting information

Tap the setting to load from [Saved camera settings], then select [Changing the name].
The name of the setting information saved in the initial setting is:

– Camera name/saved date and time/year/month/day/hour/minute/second
(Max number of characters: 30 characters)

Erasing the camera setup information

Tap the setting to delete from [Saved camera settings], then select [Delete].