Basic Operations for Recording


1. Wi-Fi connection

2. Tap theiconto display the recording screen

Taking a picture

1. Tapicon

  1. When Burst mode has been set, tapiconto take multiple pictures in quick succession.*

* This function cannot be used on the DMC-SZ8.

Recording a video*

1. Tapicon

  1. Video recording is started. Tap again to stop recording video.

* The video recording function cannot be used on the DMC-SZ8.

Using zoom

Move the zoom levericontoward T (telephoto) to magnify and toward W (Wide) to widen zoom.


(During vertical display)

  1. Magnification is shown on zoom bar at bottom of screen.

Recording settings

Tap the icons below to perform each setting.

(For smartphones)

If you tapiconoricon, the icons below will be displayed. If you tapiconoriconagain, you will return to the original screen.

icon Simply touch the subject you want to focus on, and it will automatically focus and release the shutter.
icon You can select the focus method depending on the position and number of the subjects.
icon Set the Aperture, Shutter Speed, and Program Shift, etc.

* The icon display will change depending on the digital camera's settings.

  • This function cannot be used on the DMC-SZ8.
icon Compensation will be made if you cannot obtain proper exposure, such as when there is a great difference between the brightness of the subject and the background.
icon Set Single, Burst, Auto Bracket and Self-timer.
  • This function cannot be used on the DMC-SZ8.

Tapiconto display information (settings etc.) on the top and bottom of the recording screen. You can cancel the displayed information by tapping again.

Tapiconto display other recording settings and to perform settings such as [Picture Size].

  1. Depending on the recording mode, some items may not be displayed, and setting values may differ.
  2. The options you can set change depending on the model and settings of the digital camera.
  3. Setting options and setting values are only part of the digital camera items. All of the setting options and setting values will not be displayed.
  4. Operation may differ from the digital camera.
  5. After changing settings, the quality of the image displayed on your smartphone can differ from the image displayed on your digital camera. It is recommended that you check image quality using the playback screen on your digital camera.

Taking pictures using the Touch Shutter function

Simply touch the subject you want to focus on, and it will automatically focus and release the shutter.

1. Tapicon

  1. Icon will change toicon, and taking a picture with the Touch Shutter function becomes possible.

2. Touch the subject you wish to focus on, and then take a picture

  1. The picture is taken when the focus is achieved.
  2. Tapicononce again to cancel the Touch Shutter function.

Taking pictures with an automatic focus point (Auto Focus)

When the digital camera is set to Auto Focus, touching the screen will display the AF area frame, and the point of focus can be adjusted.
Explanation follows below.

Item Contents
[Face Detection] Recognize people's faces, adjust focus point and exposure.
[AF Tracking] Adjusts to the set subject and exposure. The focus point and exposure will follow even if the subject moves.
  • This function cannot be used on the DMC-SZ8.
[23-Area]* When the subject is not the center of the screen, AF area can focus on up to 23-Areas.

* The DMC-SZ8 can go up to 9 areas.

[1-Area] After the focus point has been selected, the AF area frame in the center of the screen will focus accordingly.
  1. Tapiconto clear the AF area frame settings.
  2. When changing Auto Focus Mode, you can change the digital camera's settings or change settings with the iconicon* on the screen.

* When using a smartphone, tapiconoriconto display iconicon.

Manually selecting focus point (Manual Focus)*

* This function cannot be used on the DMC-SZ8.

When the digital camera is set to Manual Focus, a sliding bar appears on the screen, and the focus point can be manually adjusted.

You can adjust the sliding bar shown below by dragging it.


(During vertical display)

  1. If the Touch Shutter function is active, touch the screen to take a picture.
  2. Tapiconto adjust the focus point within the AF area displayed on the screen. When using MF Assist (see below), the focus point will be set to the center position of the screen.
  3. Each time the following buttons are tapped, the peaking setting will switch.
    When the peaking is active, in-focus portions are highlighted with color.*
icon : The detection level for in-focus portions is High.
icon : The detection level for in-focus portions is Low.
icon : In-focus portions are not highlighted.

* Depending on the recording mode, this function may not operate.

(Displaying the MF Assist)

  1. Tap the recording screen to switch to the MF Assist screen, and display zoom.*

* This can only be performed with the Touch Shutter function disabled.

  1. Tapicon/iconto enlarge/shrink the image.
  2. Tap [Reset] to return the magnified position to the center.

(Closing the MF Assist)

  1. Double tap the screen or tap [Exit] to close MF Assist.