December 19, 2019

If you are California resident, additional privacy notice applies to you in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act, in addition to the privacy policy displayed on your device when you use certain network features on your Panasonic TVs. Please see Appendix in the link below.
Model Year
Model Series
2008 PZ850 Privacy Policy
2009 G10/G15/V10/Z1
2010 VT25/VT20/GT25/G25/G20
2011 VT30/DT30/D30/GT30/ST30
2012 E5/XT50
2013 S60
2012 WT50/VT50/DT50/GT50/ET5
Supplementary Privacy Notice

*Supplementary Privacy Notice also apply to voice control feature through nuance speech recognition service.

2013 WT600/WT60/ZT60/VT60/DT60
2014 AX900/AX850/AX800/AS800/AS660
2015 CX850/CX800/CX650/CX600
2016 DX900
2017 EZ1000
2018 FZ1000
2019 GZ1000