Global Home Digital AV Support > TV > Compatibility > USB Information of VIERA 2011-year Models (Option 6_2b)

USB Information of VIERA 2011-year Models

Option 6_2b

Wireless LAN

The following wireless LAN adaptor has been confirmed for use with your TV.

Maker Model Number
NETGEAR WNDA3100 v.2 (*)

(*) only v.2 can be used

This adaptor may not be sold in the country where you are using the TV.

Also Access point is needed.
Connection with the following Access point has been confirmed for use of wireless LAN adaptor WNDA3100 v.2 with your TV.

Maker Model Number
Linksys WRT120N
Belkin F5D8235-4
  • These models may not be sold in the country where you are using the TV.
  • Operation is not guaranteed with all hardware and software revisions.
  • Operation and performance is not guaranteed at device settings you configure.
  • Transmission speed of the wireless LAN using radio waves may decrease due to distance and obstructions, or connection may not be possible due to other devices using the same frequency.
  • When using wireless LAN devices (PC, etc.) on the same frequency band, transmission speed may be lower and the video playback may stop or flicker.
  • Considerations of security are also needed.