Gallery icon Gallery

You can save images with your edits applied or save editing details as a LUT.

Basic operations

  1. 1Tap Gallery icon.
    • Images in the LUMIX Lab gallery are listed.


Photo Style icon Photo Style
Video RAW image
Burst Video
Time-Lapse Shot Edited
  • Images are displayed larger while you touch and hold thumbnails.

Sorting images

  1. 1Tap .
  2. 2Select a sorting item.

    Setting Items:
    [Capture Date - Newest], [Capture Date - Oldest], [Added Date - Newest], [Added Date - Oldest]

Filtering images

  1. 1Tap .
  2. 2Select filtering items.

    Setting Items:
    [Videos], [Photos], [Edited], [Rating], [Photo Style]

    • To close the setting screen, tap outside the rating selection window.

<Canceling filtering>

Select [Clear All] in step 2.

Rating images

  1. 1Tap a thumbnail to view it in single-image display.
  2. 2Tap and select a rating level.

<Clearing ratings>

Select [Not Rated] in step 2.