Error messages

Couldn’t receive data.
Please try again.
Couldn’t register to this site.
Please try again.
Couldn’t register to this site.
Check the status of the smartphone’s Internet connection. Refer to the operating instructions included with your smartphone.
The smartphone could not be registered for a reason such as the following.
Data communications could not be sent normally with the control box (facility installation equipment) when registering.
Perform the registration operation again.
Operations were stopped because they were not performed within the specified period.
Perform the operations again.
Could not register because of a data problem or some other reason.
For more information, consult your facility staff.
Receive incorrect response.
Please check the IP address.
The smartphone could not be registered for a reason such as the following.
The IP address was incorrectly entered when registering.
Confirm the values to be entered and perform the registration operation again.
Couldn’t access to this site.
Please try again.
Couldn’t access to the account.
Please check ID and Password.
The smartphone could not be registered for a reason such as the following.
Data communications could not be sent normally with the control box (facility installation equipment) when registering.
Perform the registration operation again.
The ID and password were incorrectly entered when registering.
Confirm the values to be entered and perform the registration operation again.
Receive incorrect response.
Please check the room monitor setting.
The smartphone could not be registered for a reason such as the following.
Data communications could not be sent normally with the control box (facility installation equipment) when registering.
For more information, consult your facility staff.
Error in downloaded data or port forward setting.
Please consult your system administrator.
Could not register because of a data problem or some other reason.
For more information, consult your facility staff.
Control Box is not responding.
Please check network condition.
The control box (facility installation equipment) is not operating correctly.
For more information, consult your facility staff.
Confirm that the network signal (3G, 4G, LTE, or Wi-Fi) is strong enough.
Try to access from an area where the signal is strong enough.
Check the status of the smartphone’s Internet connection. Refer to the operating instructions included with your smartphone.
Move to an area with a strong signal in service area of mobile network.
We don't recommend connecting to public Wi-Fi® with weak security.
Can not register a smartphone any more.
Please consult your system administrator.
That maximum number of smartphones are already registered. Deregister smartphones that are no longer used with the system.
Residents that have a room monitor: Deregister the desired smartphone using the room monitor (see Deregistering smartphones).
Deregister the desired smartphone after checking the [Registration Check] setting using own smartphone or another smartphone (see Deregistering smartphones).
If you cannot deregister the smartphone with the above methods, ask the facility staff to deregister the smartphone for you.
Registration period expired.
Please consult your system administrator.
Registration operations were not completed within the specified time.
Repeat the registration operations again.
If the registration period is exceeded, consult your facility staff.