
Video Intercom System calls and monitoring images

Cannot receive Video Intercom System calls or notifications
[Notifications] settings are turned off.
Turn on [Notifications] settings (Settings menu (overview)).
Notifications for the app are disabled in the smartphone’s settings.
Enable notifications for the app in the smartphone’s settings. (Refer to the operating instructions included with your smartphone.)
Depending on the network conditions (example: when you can't connect to the network because of bad network conditions or when using airplane mode), notifications may not be correctly received. In this case, the smartphone will not save received logs.
Residents that have a room monitor: Check the log of the room monitor for log information that you could not receive.
"Log Update" of the [Video Intercom System] app can be used to get log information that could not be received. However, by doing so all of the currently stored logs may be deleted and replaced with the latest data from the system storage (see Logs (overview)). If you want to save a log, save an image for that log (see Saving incoming call images and noticeboards).
Up to 100 logs can be saved. Subsequent logs will overwrite the oldest logs.
Logs can be saved for a duration of 1 week on the system (control box: facility installation equipment). After this time logs are deleted.
Notifications are delayed on Android devices
It may be because of the power saving mode (example: doze mode) settings of your smartphone.
Check the settings of the power saving mode, and disable the power saving mode if necessary.
Incoming call tones or notification tones are not played
The vibrating mode is enabled.
Disable the vibrating mode.
The sound is disabled.
Adjust the volume for the sound.
Sound is not played through the speaker when talking on a Video Intercom System call
The audio settings are not set to play sound from the speaker.
Check the [Speaker mode] settings (Settings menu (overview)).
Depending on the model of your smartphone, app audio may not be able to be played through the speaker.
Sound cuts out while talking using your smartphone’s speakerphone
Noise in the surrounding area is causing your smartphone’s speakerphone audio to cut out.
This is a characteristic of many speakerphones. Either use your smartphone in a quieter location, or switch from speaker to receiver (Settings menu (overview)).
Your voice cannot be heard by the visitor during a Video Intercom System call
Make sure your smartphone’s microphone is not covered by anything such as your fingers or face.
iPhone, iPad
The app may not have permission to access your smartphone’s microphone.
Use your smartphone’s settings to allow the app to access the microphone.
Certain features cannot be used
Using your smartphone’s speaker as the audio output.
Depending on the smartphone (model or operating system), some features may not be available.
Cannot register the smartphone
Registration operations were not completed within the specified time.
Repeat the registration operations again.
If the registration period is exceeded, consult your facility staff.
That maximum number of smartphones are already registered. Deregister smartphones that are no longer used with the system.
Residents that have a room monitor: Deregister the desired smartphone using the room monitor (see Deregistering smartphones).
Deregister the desired smartphone after checking the [Registration Check] setting using own smartphone or another smartphone (see Deregistering smartphones).
Depending on your facility’s system configuration, the maximum number or smartphones that can be registered differs. For more information refer to the distributed QR code document or consult your facility staff.
Images and audio may be stopped or delayed during Video Intercom System calls
Depending on the network conditions of the smartphone (example: when using international roaming, etc.), images and audio may be stopped or delayed during Video Intercom System calls. This is not a malfunction.


The product does not work with correct operations. The product does not work properly.
Try restarting your smartphone.